Volume 20, Issue 2 (Pajouhan Scientific Journal, Spring 2022)                   Pajouhan Sci J 2022, 20(2): 64-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Mostafayi M, Imeni B. Exploration of Risk Factors Threatening the Health of Mother, Fetus, and Infant in Cesarean Delivery: A Grounded Theoretical Study. Pajouhan Sci J 2022; 20 (2) :64-72
URL: http://psj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-761-en.html
1- Student Research Committee, Faculty of Paramedicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
2- Department of Operating Room, Faculty of Paramedicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran , behzadiman@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1826 Views)
Background and Objectives: Given the great importance of mother and child health in the community, it is important to identify risk factors during cesarean delivery which is considered as one of the most common gynecological surgeries. Therefore, this study aimed to explore risk factors threatening the health of mother, fetus, and infant during cesarean delivery.
Materials and Methods: This grounded theoretical study was conducted in 2020 in Fatemieh Hospital in Hamadan. In this study, through purposive sampling, 25 semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals involved in cesarean delivery. The accuracy of the data was checked using Lincoln and Guba criteria and analyzed based on Strauss and Corbin method.
Results: In this study, 3 categories and 8 sub-categories were identified, which include: 1.Background factors (high-risk pregnancy, abnormal fetus, and background risk factor), 2.environmental factors (Unfavorable medical equipment, unsafe electrosurgery, excessive workload), and 3.human factors (lack of skilled medical team and the individual errors of the medical team).
Conclusions: The results of this study showed that background, environmental and human factors can cause complications during cesarean delivery. Therefore, it is important to take in to account these results and apply appropriate management strategies to prevent the negative effects of identified factors to ensure the safety of the mother and child during surgery.
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Type of Study: Research Article | Subject: Medicine & Clinical Sciences
Received: 2021/07/31 | Accepted: 2021/08/7 | Published: 2022/05/31

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