Volume 22, Issue 2 (Pajouhan Scientific Journal, Spring 2024)                   Pajouhan Sci J 2024, 22(2): 108-118 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghaderi A, Sadeghian E, Tapak L, Shamsaei F. Relationship of Emotional Intelligence with Hope and Self-Concept among Nursing Students of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences. Pajouhan Sci J 2024; 22 (2) :108-118
URL: http://psj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1097-en.html
1- Student Research Center, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, Hamedan, Iran
2- Chronic Diseases Research Center (Home Care), Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, Hamedan, Iran
3- Non-Communicable Diseases Modeling Research Center, Health Sciences and Technology Research Institute, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, Hamedan, Iran
4- Behavioral Disorders and Substance Abuse Research Center, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, Hamedan, Iran , shamsaei68@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1256 Views)
Background and Objectives: Students, as the builders of tomorrow's society, can be the foundation of many changes and developments. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship of emotional intelligence with hope and self-concept among nursing students of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive correlational study was conducted on 486 nursing students of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences in 2022-23 who met the inclusion criteria. The samples were selected by census method. The data were collected using a demographic information form, the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test, Miller's Hope Questionnaire, and Beck's Self-Concept Questionnaire. Data analysis was done in SPSS 20 software using Pearson's correlation tests, one-way analysis of variance, t-test for two independent samples, and linear regression.
Results: In this research, 50.40% of the participants were male and 49.60% were female. Most of the participants (13%) were studying in the first and third semesters. The mean and standard deviation of study variables were obtained at 129.58±10.76 for emotional intelligence, 41.64±4.79 for hope, and 86.68±8.82 for self-concept. With the exception of the relationship between the emotion regulation component and the deviant expression component (P=0.548), other components of the emotional intelligence variable showed a significant direct statistical relationship with all the components of hope and also the total hope score (P<0.001). Regarding the strength of the relationships, the strongest relationship was observed between the emotional regulation component and the agency thinking component (Pearson correlation coefficient=0.431). The component of evaluating emotions in oneself and others only showed a statistically significant direct relationship with the job effectiveness component (Pearson correlation coefficient=0.114, P=0.012) and with total self-esteem score (Pearson correlation coefficient=0.031, P=0.031). Moreover, a statistically significant direct relationship was found between total emotional intelligence score and job effectiveness component (Pearson correlation coefficient=0.154, P=0.001), as well as total self-esteem score (Pearson correlation coefficient=0.103, P=0.023).
Conclusion: The study indicates a positive relationship between emotional intelligence, hope, and self-concept among nursing students. The results of this study showed that improving emotional intelligence can enhance the skills and performance of nursing students, and it is proposed as an effective strategy for improving patient care in the nursing field.
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Type of Study: Research Article | Subject: Other
Received: 2024/05/27 | Accepted: 2024/06/5 | Published: 2024/06/20

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