Volume 11, Issue 2 (Pajouhan Scientific Journal, Winter 2013)                   Pajouhan Sci J 2013, 11(2): 15-19 | Back to browse issues page

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Rashedi V, Shams-Vala S, Heidari A. Organizational culture of Hamedan University of medical sciences based on Hofstede Model: Faculty perspective. Pajouhan Sci J 2013; 11 (2) :15-19
URL: http://psj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-70-en.html
1- , vahidrashedi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5754 Views)
Background and Objectives: in the recent years, organizational culture has been an important research concept in the management domain. This study intends to determine the organizational culture of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences form the view point of faculty members based on Hofstede Model.
Methods: in this cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study, faculty members of Hamadan University of medical sciences were research population that sample involved 162 people which have been selected through random sampling. To gather the data, Hofstede Organizational Culture Questionnaire was used as well as demographic variables questionnaire. To analyze the data SPSS was used.
Results: THE sample consisted of %63.59 male. The mean age of the sample was 36.45±4.35 and the mean years of employment was 16.43 ±5.77. Lecturer, assistant professor and associate professor were %34.573, %52.47 and %12.86, respectively. The findings revealed the characteristics of the organizational culture of the research population as follows: cultural balance with a trend to masculinity, collectivism, low uncertainty avoidance and relatively balanced of power distance. Also factors such as age and years of employment have negative significant relation with uncertainty avoidance and masculinity femininity rate in the man and women are different.
Conclusion: Faculty members in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences consider organizational culture supportive and they believe that University beside being emphasized over the social responsibilities, tends to avoid injustice.
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Type of Study: Research Article |
Received: 2014/09/13 | Accepted: 2014/09/13 | Published: 2014/09/13

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