Volume 20, Issue 1 (Pajouhan Scientific Journal, Winter 2022)                   Pajouhan Sci J 2022, 20(1): 57-63 | Back to browse issues page

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Javaheri Mohamadi A, Keshavarz Afshar H, Bagherzadeh S. Relationship Between Emotional Self-Control, Alexithymia and Educational Emotional with Academic Burnout in Students with Learning Disorder. Pajouhan Sci J 2022; 20 (1) :57-63
URL: http://psj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-904-en.html
1- Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Consulting, University of Research Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (2765 Views)
Background and Objectives: One of the objectives of educational systems is to raise the level of students' ability to improve their academic performance. The aim of present study was to determine the relationship between emotional self-control, alexithymia, and academic excitement with academic burnout in students with learning disabilities.
Materials and Methods: The population of this study was all clients with learning disabilities who referred to the Learning Disabilities Centers in Tehran in 2021. The sampling method was cluster random sampling. Ten centers were selected from the centers of learning disabilities. Then, 150 students with the l learning disabilities were selected to participate in this study. The data was collected by Bresso Academic Burnout Questionnaire, Toronto Emotional Dysfunction Scale, Bakran Academic Emotion Questionnaire, and Weinberger & Schmaltz (srs) Self-Restraint Scale(1990).
Results: The results showed that negative academic excitement, emotional self- control, and positive emotion were able to predict students' academic burnout. The collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient test and stepwise multivariate regression analysis. Negative academic excitement (P<0.001, t= 4.91, β= 0.348) with the highest value of B and then self-control (P<0.001, t= 4.18, β=-0.288) and positive emotion (P<0.001, t= -3.42, β= -0.235) could predict academic burnout, respectively.
Conclusions: Based on the findings, training the life skills related to emotion management, emotion regulation, and improving emotional intelligence should be widely and seriously considered. By training these skills, students' level of self-management can be improved and educational burnout can be prevented.
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Type of Study: Research Article | Subject: Medicine & Clinical Sciences
Received: 2022/02/22 | Accepted: 2022/03/1 | Published: 2022/03/1

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